Reshaping life as we know it will require more than wishful thinking

By Teboho Polanka. Social Worker, Writer & Inspirational Speaker. Passionate about Christocentric missions.

Photo by Cody Davis on Unsplash
Photo by Cody Davis on Unsplash

It requires something more than just a romantic passion to really become alive to life.

In life, and this happens to all of us, there are times when tough decisions are to be made; sometimes in a matter of split seconds while on the run. During such instances choices are usually as critical and implications just as ambiguous.

For a great majority of us, such choices are not necessarily life and death issues, but rather they are whether or not to accept our life-sucking culture or to challenge the status quo. Evidently either one of these choices is critical in its own respect.

For instance, choosing to accept life as defined narrowly by those who lived before us – who are no smarter than us – may mean lose spirit of adventure and/or reward awaiting those who are willing to risk it all and try something new, yet equally important.

Impulsively jumping into doing something new may be as critical – costly to both the impulsive jumper and the society.

Therefore, having brought these issues to light, the burden of this piece will be to revive the adventurous spirit in all of us, to the stop like its the habit of many; living our whole lives in the outskirts of reality. We at some point have to do something with our reality.

It begins, however, with a realistic and honest look at our desired future against our present reality and doing all we can to make necessary changes tailored towards arriving at such. If such efforts should come to naught, we must do what will be required.

It must be made clear; it may cost us blood, sweat and tears to bring about our ideal future. It will definitely require from us something more than wishful thinking to get there.

The above cases explain why a majority of us would rather be found throwing pity-parties to comfort themselves in their “someday i’lls.” It’s not uncommon to hear people saying things like, ‘someday I’ll do this and/or that’ but then the truth smacks us in our faces, bitter as such may be; most if not all ‘someday I’lls’ are never brought to surface.

Those who inhabit the ‘someday I’ll’ islands hope to, one day, just wake up miraculously having accomplished all they feel they’re worth. In my opinion, although it may be offensive to call that insanity, it is equally an injustice to the truth to label that as logically acceptable – it’s an impossibility.

I wish to make a special announcement; if we’re ever going to make it in the rapidly approaching future to which Peter Druker attributes the three Cs: accelerated change; overwhelming complexity and; tremendous competition, we are forced to come to grips with the fact that ‘the stone age didn’t end because they ran out of stones’ change was inevitable, like it is today.

Only the forward-thinking pioneers of world-changing projects are guaranteed survival. While, I don’t mean to predict something bad to happen but the fact remains, inhabitants of “someday I’ll” island are awaited by monstrous poverty, life will beat them and keep them on their knees permanently if they let it.

To conclude, wishful thinking won’t get us out of “unemployment” and worst yet, poverty will remain unchallenged and will grow exponentially. We really need to become alive to life, change is inevitable.

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